Flickorna Lundgren

We had friends in town visiting us from Los Angeles recently, and at so many of the places we took them, they would say at some point ‘this feels like Disneyland’. The cobblestoned streets, the pastel buildings — I get it, and still feel that way myself, most days! We recently visited Flickorna Lundgren, and I caught myself remarking on how much it felt like Disneyland; almost exactly what I’d picture Snow White’s house to look like! Sweden’s oldest and most famous garden cafe, Flickorna Lundgren (The Lundgren Girls) has been operating since 1938, run by the 7 Lundgren sisters. It was a popular spot to visit for the King Gustav Adolf IV, and the royal effect meant it’s been a popular spot to visit Swedes ever since!

Megan McKean

Colour obsessed author, illustrator, designer and travel writer


Poppies in Malmo

