A foggy morning in Lund


The weather forecast changes quickly (and often) around Malmö, so we always tentatively plan our weekend activities around what the weather may or may not do. It was forecasted to rain all day on Saturday, but when we woke up and saw it was only foggy, we rolled the dice and took a little excursion to Lund. Just 20 minutes from Malmö, and one of Swedens oldest towns, Lund is so full of charm — I can’t wait to visit again for a longer trip and explore more. The 12th Century stone cathedral (still in use today!) and the beautiful grounds of the university and parks, along with the cobblestoned streets and cottages… we’ll be back for round two sooner rather than later, I’m sure!

Megan McKean

Colour obsessed author, illustrator, designer and travel writer


Apple Picking


Dahlias in Kungsparken