Rainbow Spotting: Paris Pompidou Centre

Visiting the Centre Pompidou in Paris is a riot of colour from the outset; starting at the coloured tubes on the outside of the building, to the brilliant ‘Pompidou blue’ that you see in banners and flyers guiding you around the museum. The collection of modern art is brilliant to see in person, but the Salon Agam is in a league all of its own. Multi-coloured plexi-glass panels in the front of the piece, which when you peek around the sides you can see through to the multi-coloured, multi-directional carpets. It reminds me almost of the old television test panels with the coloured strips and ‘fuzziness’ that comes from all the different patterns.

Viewable in the Centre Pompidou, standard entry fee of €14.00

Megan McKean

Colour obsessed author, illustrator, designer and travel writer


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